Suppose there are two requests for 2 different pages of same site and from 2 different browsers, How Web server recognise the different request and send result to the exact sender browsers.
1459On a scale of 1 to 10 rate your proficiency in CSS, JavaScript, PhotoShop, Illustrator, Flash, ActionScript, HTML, DHTML.
2183What software do you use to build websites? Give me an example of a project that you built using JavaScript. What kind of functionality did you create?
1522Give me an example of how you have planned projects from start to finish. What is your development lifecycle?
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What are namespaces? Why are they important?
in companies what is the use of websphere?
Some sites work with "" but for some sites we need to specify "www" - like "". Why?
Difference between null and undefined?
How have you used ActionScript in your Flash development? To what length?
Who are the founders of YAHOO & GOOGLE?When they founded?
what are the general webtesting questions and how to respond them in generally in interview point of them
Give me an example of how you have planned projects from start to finish. What is your development lifecycle?
How to troubleshoot if you get the error as application pool is hanges?Answer me in step by step procedure?
what is the relationship between garbagecollection and thread?
What are the different configurations which have to be considered while testing a website?
What is a Complex Element?
What are dynamic pages?
Define https.
What is Firewall?