ASP Interview Questions
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What are the collections of Session Object?

2 3505

What are the methods in Session Object?


1 3711

Name some of the ASP components?

3 5244

What are Scripting Objects?

1 3037

What are the ASP Scripting Objects?

1 7062

What is a Dictionary object?

2 3391

What is a FileSystemObject object?

1 3011

What is Server-Side includes?

1 2958

What is the result of using Option Explicit? A. This applies only to Visual Basic, not VBScript. B. All variables must be dimensioned before use. C. All variables are dimensioned at run-time. D. Forces all SELECT controls to have a SELECTED option. E. Requires all variables be cast as specific DataTypes.

1 4946

What should be used in order to determine if the cookie "FavoriteFlavors" in the request object contains more than one entry? A. Request.Cookies("FavoriteFlavors").HasItems B. Request.Cookies("FavoriteFlavors").Collection.Count C. Request.Cookies("FavoriteFlavors").Dictionary D. Request.Cookies("FavoriteFlavors").HasKeys E. Request.Cookies("FavoriteFlavors").Count

1 5281

When is the Session_OnStart event fired? A. Upon every request from an application by a client for an .asp document. B. Upon the first request from an application by a client for any file in the application. C. Upon the first request for an .asp document from an application by a client. D. Upon the first request for the global.asa file, in which the event handler is located. E. Upon the first request for an. html or .asp document from an application by client

1 3060

What does Internet Information Server (IIS) assume to be the default language for Active Server Pages? A. Jscript B. JavaScript C. JAVA D. VBScript E. ECMAScript

2 5767

What should the developer use in order to have an Active Server Page (ASP) invokes a stored procedure on a SQL Server database? A. ADO B. RDO C. RDS D. OLEDB E. None of the above.

1 3132

?onStart' and 'onEnd' are events of what object(s)? A. Application only. B. Session only. C. Server only. D. Application and Session only. E. Application, Session, and Server.

1 3708

What must be installed on an IIS4 machine to use the CDONTS e-mail server object? A. FTP service B. SMTP service C. IIS administrator D. Exchange Server E. IPX/SPX protocol

1 3880

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How can we do validation of the fields in a project?


Can any body send me Some Interview Questions of ASP.Net 2.0 or Later to my mail id that is


How do in-process and cross-process communication work in the common language runtime?


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What is the difference between cshtml and aspx?


What is application object in asp?


difference between partial and public ?


How many types of cookies?


What are the function of attributes of the



How do I open aspx files on android?


What is asp give its application?


What are the tasks performed by <> tags?


Define a filesystemobject object?


What do you need to run asp?


How do I view an asp file?