Core Java Interview Questions
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Can we place the any object to key attribute of HashMap?


4 17437

Hi friends, i am new to java. can you explain how java is secured.

2 3455

Hi Friends, can u give me Real Time example for interface and abstract class.(With Banking Example)

4 13362

when to use ArrayList and when to use HashMap in webApplication.

1 3872

what is main difference between architecture,framework and design pattren

3 14428

Hi Friends, can you explain instance in java. In general instance means "occurence of something" . In java what is instance.

4 4605

Hi Friends, I am beginner in java. what i know about synchonized keyword is,If more that one 1 thread tries to access a particular resource we can lock the method using synchronized keyword. Then after that how the lock is released and how next thread access that.Please explain with example.

5 4786

Hi Friends, can you give difference between extending thread class and implementing runnable interface.

4 4951

what is an object class?Explain its methods?

6 10113

Hi Friends, I am new to java. Can u explain about thread concept.How i know one thread is locked, and how can i force or acquire another thread for lock . Finally how to know thread is released from lock. Explain types of lock(like method level and block level) in thread.

1 2954

I have a sorting issue with a Hashmap. My constraint is that I MUST use the Hashmap and work with existing code. I do a database query and place the results in a Hashmap. When I iterate thru the Hashmap, it loses the original alphabetical sorting done by the database. So, my problem is that I must sort the results coming out of the Hashmap which is then placed into another class.

1 3060

What is Session and cookies?Explain in detail with an example?

Accenture, CTS,

4 17770

I need to know about complete topic in java's collections i with an examples


1 4321

Real Time sample code for Encapsulation and Abstraction. where to use abstract and where to use specifies like public private.

2 7816

What will happen inside init() in servlet. my interviewer asked servlet lifecycle. i said "once servlet is loaded in to memory init() will be called which performs servlet initialization " . Again interview asked what values will be initialized . what is difference between init() and init(ServletConfig config).

Infinite Computer Solutions, TCS,

2 12185

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hi am an engineering student and my next plan is for ms in either in us or australia i got my passport but i dont know anything bout visa can u give brief idea 1)How to get prepared for visa and 2)How to apply for top universities and 3)How to pay the fee and so on These all are basic questions plz give me a clear idea


What does microservices mean?


define the terminology association.


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Can we create an object of private class?


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What is the size of int in 64-bit jvm?


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