Java J2EE Interview Questions
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how to implement singletun design patteren in struts?


5 11570

Is Cegonsoft Pvt.Ltd. a good Institute?

4 5714

GoldMansachs Interview process....

Goldman Sachs,

1 10750

HI ALL, How to Overcome "OutOfMemoryException"? when I am compiling source having more than 1000 LOC throwing this exception. Can any one give correct answer to my question? thx

5 5396

Hi all, I am dng a mini project on FileSplitter application which splits the GBs of logfile into Smaller chunks(mbs) depending on the split size." How to handle GBs file? I am getting OutOfMemoryException, when I input such GB sized file. Thx


The class "Class" is belongs to which package?? a) java.lang b)java.lang.reflect c)java.util d)None

4 7891

which of tha following is not a thread safe class? a) ArrayList b)Vector c)HashTable d)None

17 15711

Explain the role played by Java Virtual Machine in Java Programming?

1 5459

Explain role of constructor in a java application?

5 12749

Where can i get Latest SUN Certification Dumps and what are the Sun Certification Codes that are available, Im new to JAVA, so please gimme info as i need to write J2EE - Core Java Certification


This is my code i have a doubt class ab implements a,b { public void add() { System.out.println("Hi") } } interface a { public void add(); } interface b { public void add(); } in this code i have two interface implemented in the class has same method.just i want to know which method of interface implemented in the class. interface a or interface b? confused me .

3 3986

IN java collections we have both interfaces and classes. instead of using interfaces why we can't use classes only like that why we can't use interfaces only. why we need two things interface and class.

Accenture, CTS,

6 8934

Differences between jdk 1.4 and 1.5

SoftSol, TCS, Wipro,

6 15702

which method does it invokes automatically when we click link in the webpage a)put b)get c)head d)post

7 7005

what happens when we add the objects morethan the size limit to a hashmap

1 3626

Un-Answered Questions { Java J2EE }

How do you stop a thread in java?


What is the use of @requestparam annotation in spring?


What is method reference?


What is @springbootapplication?


What is application tier?


Why use the bootstrap port number?


What is a type parameter in java?


How is final different from finally and finalize?


What is the life cycle of spring bean?


What is the role of the java.rmi.naming class?


How do I use a temporary destination? : BEA Weblogic


How can I manage transactions in spring?


How many inner classes can a class have?


We are getting a 'class not found' and developers like to know, if that class is being loaded or not. How can I assist them troubleshoot the issue?


What is java full stack developer?