Fashion Modelling AllOther Interview Questions
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what age are antique garments?

1 4037

What age are vintage garments?

2 6160

How long has the Miss World beauty Competition been running?

1 3989

who was the most famous American female fashion icon of the 1960s?

1 9722

What is the name of the most famous 1950s Hermes handbag?

1 6064

Who did Tom Ford design fashion for until recently?

1 3737

Which designer has a famous musician songwriter singer pop star as a father?

1 4810

What were Yuppies in the 1980s?

2 6539

What does the acronym Y U P P I E S stand for?

1 4432

which perfume advertisement cost over ?5 million to make in 2004?

1 5606

Which famous film star wrote a book about her passion for jewellery?

1 6195

Which Italian fashion designer was shot dead in the 1990s?

2 6740

What is the fibre source of cashmere fibre?

1 3990

What is the fibre source of mohair fibre?

1 10999

What is the fibre source of angora fibre?

1 3685

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Un-Answered Questions { Fashion Modelling AllOther }

What word was being used to replace stays around 1800 in both England and America?


What was pelisse-robe?


Give notes on fashion shows.


Which famous British towns copied the Kashmir shawls producing a British version?


When did waistlines reach a peak height in Regency Britain?


i left my study in 2001-02 and i joined retail in 2005so wht should i answer for this gap?


Which are the steps in fashion forecasting?


What is the date of the Georgian era?


What was an early pelisse?


hello frnds i m nishant i want to know about reebok instructor certificate course should i do it what are the job opportunities is there any educational qualificatin criteria i m 12th passout plz frnds reply me soon


What does Philip Treacy mainly design?


What was a pannier?


hai i'm abirami my age is 16 running iam very interested in modelliung iam wheatish in colour iam 40 kg and iam looking fare only all this things are possible to me to become a model? pls answer me. u can cont me on


What was a Spencer?


can i have the list for the winners of miss madhya pradesh contest