I have attended offcampus conducted by polaris chennai.And i have cleared all rounds on 10th June 2014.They collected all my marksheet xerox and address proof and said that they will send me offer letter in 3 days.. But more than 15days passed but still i didnt receive any information. I am lot depend on this offer... so when can i expect offer letter?? will they surely send me offer letter?
2451Research reveals that high fiber content food is effective in preventing heart disease. However consumers are unable to take advantage of this finding as fiber content is usually not listed on the Nutrition Information label on food packages. Therefore as a further precaution in preventing heart disease, the government must regulate food industries to include the fiber content on the Nutrition Information label on food packages. Which of the following weakens the argument above?
1 2728Post New Engineering AllOther Questions
Briefly describe an experience of yours that illustrates your ability to clearly articulate and explain technical issues in a nontechnical manner
Explain i.d.e. for visual c++?
Can a generic class extend another generic class??
when there is a parametrized constructor, and an object is created with no arguments. will the default constructor be called?
No. of rounds: 1. GD 2. Written test 3. Technical round 4. HR Group Discussion: In GD I got topic “Effect of Movies on Youth, is it good or bad?”. Everyone got chance to speak. They examined the fluency and point of view on topic. I was selected in this round. Written Test: In written, there were 30 to 40 question including 5 subjective, they are, 1 What is RTTI(Run Time Type Information)? 2 What is containership? 3 What is the difference between compiler level of C++, C# and one other language? 4 Why C++ reserve 2 bytes for structure? 5 One question was related to dot net….. Remaining question are objective and they are belongs to C, Data Structure, 4-5 question from Java and also some questions from Software Development, includes, Some programs given with there output, questions related to sorting algorithm and there complexities, from java, multithreading and a program for Concatenation of two strings using inbuilt methods, from Software development they ask about software lifecycle(including all phases), specification and testing. It was all technical and I cleared the written too. Technical round: In this round, they asked about my resume. Remember the things that you write only those things in resume, in which you are very well, else it will create problems for you. They asked first about myself, and then about my programming skills. They give me a problem to solve in C. They ask me about SQL commands (because I mentioned in resume) like difference between delete and truncate, left join with syntax, then some questions from OS and computer network. I also found out that they were taking my stress testing. They fired questions very rapidly. Don’t give up they will make you feel free environment if you will get nervous (at that time I was). HR round: In this round as usual they asked about personal question to starting with about yourself. They asked some IQ questions like which object with four points are at equidistance, draw three co-centric circle without pull-up your hand, they also asked question, if a bear is jump from 1 meter in …sec. what is the color of that bear. Answer is related to measuring gravity according to south and north pole, and I was confused at that time. They also asked the meaning of my name, I gave that answer.
plz snd me sbi probationofficers papers to my id archpa@gmail.com
Prepare the UGC CSIR net question papers those are enough. The question paper will be of 50 questions in size each 3 marks and with a negative of -1 for each wrong answer
how to generate linked implementation of sparse matrix?
Write a java program to print the subsets of a string
Hi l, I want to install a water purifier (UV) at my home. the distance of water purifier from water tank [1000 lt ] is 7 ft. Is it sufficient for electrical water purifier? I want to know what is the water pressure from 1000 lt tank (the pipe used from water tank to machine is of inch 1-1/4") please note minimum water pressure is required for UV is - Water Pressure Min: 0.4 kg/sq. cm.Max: 2.0 kg/sq. cm. Please advise me on the following: 1) What is the water pressure generate in above condition. 2) What is the required height from the UV machine to water tank for the above condition? Thanks is advance.
I have cleared SBT clerk exam and having interview on 29.I have completed my B.tech in IT.I would like to know the types of questions asked in the interview.
a steel bar 1' inch square 6' long is to be used as a column.ends are free to rotate put may not be displaced.stress is limited to 30,000 PSI
Create an midp application which examines that a phone number which has enters is in the given format * Area code should be one of the following:040,041,050,0400,044
Write a program in ‘C’ that will accept 10 numbers from the user, sort them & then perform the binary search. The searching number will be arithmetic mean of the 10 numbers accepted from the user. Write the sort() & binSearch() functions for performing the sorting & binary search. Also create display function() for displaying the list. Sort() function will use selection sort and only receive one argument (Single char type)as type of sorting i.e. ascending (a) or descending (d). Display the list after sorting using a display() function. binSearch() function will accept one argument as a number to be search & return null or the index position of that number in the array. display() function is non argument non return type function. It will simply display the list row-wise. Program should use these functions by displaying the appropriate message for found or not found.
How can I get know that my pc contains dram or sram..?