Engineering AllOther Interview Questions
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Why the secondary ip address of interface is not advertising in IGP cloud?


1 3973

can you provide me uniken pvt ltd. technical interview question and answer?


What is STP

Tech Mahindra,


what are the various technique used for inter process communication?


what are basic step involved in embedded system software development?


difference between windows 2003 and windows 2008 server

Cisco, Wipro,


AD backups and restoration



while installing jad file to mobile its giving processing attribute MDlet-jar-URL to fix it


what is defect tracking in sotware testing


If it requires 8 men to build a wall in 10 days then what time will it take to build by 4 men?

2 3231

how 2 write a program of this pattern usin for loop?? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


how 2 write a program of this pattern usin for loop?? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2294

Friends Any one tell me the best institute for the telecom protocol course


why turbine vacuum breaker open in blackout

1 7519

I am some what lagging in talking English but i love to do job as an software engineer what will i do to improve my communication skills? please give me answer..........

1 2541

Post New Engineering AllOther Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Engineering AllOther }

i am going to give interview for the post of ibps there is a question in my mind which is "Being an electonics and communication engineer how can you help in banks, I mean whats the application of your education in banking."


How to work Air cooled and water cooled chiller?


Tell me about your parents?? Pls share any one best words...


No. of rounds: 1. GD 2. Written test 3. Technical round 4. HR Group Discussion: In GD I got topic “Effect of Movies on Youth, is it good or bad?”. Everyone got chance to speak. They examined the fluency and point of view on topic. I was selected in this round. Written Test: In written, there were 30 to 40 question including 5 subjective, they are, 1 What is RTTI(Run Time Type Information)? 2 What is containership? 3 What is the difference between compiler level of C++, C# and one other language? 4 Why C++ reserve 2 bytes for structure? 5 One question was related to dot net….. Remaining question are objective and they are belongs to C, Data Structure, 4-5 question from Java and also some questions from Software Development, includes, Some programs given with there output, questions related to sorting algorithm and there complexities, from java, multithreading and a program for Concatenation of two strings using inbuilt methods, from Software development they ask about software lifecycle(including all phases), specification and testing. It was all technical and I cleared the written too. Technical round: In this round, they asked about my resume. Remember the things that you write only those things in resume, in which you are very well, else it will create problems for you. They asked first about myself, and then about my programming skills. They give me a problem to solve in C. They ask me about SQL commands (because I mentioned in resume) like difference between delete and truncate, left join with syntax, then some questions from OS and computer network. I also found out that they were taking my stress testing. They fired questions very rapidly. Don’t give up they will make you feel free environment if you will get nervous (at that time I was). HR round: In this round as usual they asked about personal question to starting with about yourself. They asked some IQ questions like which object with four points are at equidistance, draw three co-centric circle without pull-up your hand, they also asked question, if a bear is jump from 1 meter in …sec. what is the color of that bear. Answer is related to measuring gravity according to south and north pole, and I was confused at that time. They also asked the meaning of my name, I gave that answer.


i am shortlisted in corporation bank for the post of computer officer the next phase is group discussion. i want to know how to prepare and what about the topics for preparing thanking you if you have any suggestion please give me


i m a student of 4th year ,i m unable to get the embassy appointment dates , and it details.............please help any body.My


explain various object oriented programming fetures


write a c++ program to interchange two-integer number without using the third variable. use concept of constructor overloading.


please send me latest Aptitude Test paper


why view is created in database


find the salary of an employee where employee number is known


how u test the idoc in inbound and outbound?


Briefly describe your ideal job?


can i knw what are we supposed to read for the coming oces/dgfs 2009 exam?what kind of book are we supposed to study?


what are the no. of leaf nodes in a fibonacci tree ?