Accounting AllOther Interview Questions
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Trading account reveals---------Profit and loss account reveals ---------

4 9431

Provision of Bad Debts is made in compliance with the convention of -----------


Amount received on sale of old news paper --------receipt

3 5010

--------is prepared to ascertain the cost of goods manufactured

2 3433

Carriage outwards will appear on -----------side of---------

5 13962

Huge advertising expenses on the introduction of a new product in the market. The expenditure is called ---------

2 6076

While closing the accounts at the year end Closing stock is shown on ---------------and-----------

3 4017

Cheque is a----------negotiable instrument

2 4342

what are share warrants?

Capital IQ,

4 11386

Hello Everbody....this saturday i attended the interview of times job fair...were capgemini has called me for technical round ..I am bcom graduate with tally an SAP FICO....Can any body help me ... I wan to know what is this technical round...An what they may ask me ......if any body have question an answer kindly send to my id ..that is contact me to my number ..+919900410314.Or any body have friends working in capgemini bangalore?Please i need urgent help...thnak you with regards adnan hasan


what is the need for accounting standard?

1 3096

How many accounting standards issued by ICAI?

5 26303

What do you mean by Adjustment


what is bad debt

2 3875

what are the purpose for the preparation of cost centre ?


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Un-Answered Questions { Accounting AllOther }

Which entry we pass self entry like cash withdraw for ourself


total capital stock


What is Accommodation Bill


what is cost accountinp


why do we charge the depreciation




what is dieerence between capital cpapital structure


If in a PO, the freight condition is mentioned as Air freight and the material is actually received by Road, how does the system check before making the necessary accounting entries?


What is wealth maximisation


Short Answer on ______________House Rent allowance


The Closing stock balance on the cr side of Tarding Proft and Loss A/c due to this our revenue so when we isued the material or used in production then whats happen with closing stock(I think Closing Stock will dr after Isuabce/use materil in Production)if its correct tell me


Apportion Rs 125000/- Nett loss among the partners A,B,C as per their sharing ratios 32%,16% and the balance to C. Pass journal entry


how to maintain E-Commerce companies accounts


Is WCT paid to be considered as overhead during costing in construction firm?


define drawer or maker