Accounting AllOther Interview Questions
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Trading account reveals---------Profit and loss account reveals ---------

4 9194

Provision of Bad Debts is made in compliance with the convention of -----------


Amount received on sale of old news paper --------receipt

3 4836

--------is prepared to ascertain the cost of goods manufactured

2 3270

Carriage outwards will appear on -----------side of---------

5 13653

Huge advertising expenses on the introduction of a new product in the market. The expenditure is called ---------

2 5846

While closing the accounts at the year end Closing stock is shown on ---------------and-----------

3 3854

Cheque is a----------negotiable instrument

2 4216

what are share warrants?

Capital IQ,

4 11146

Hello Everbody....this saturday i attended the interview of times job fair...were capgemini has called me for technical round ..I am bcom graduate with tally an SAP FICO....Can any body help me ... I wan to know what is this technical round...An what they may ask me ......if any body have question an answer kindly send to my id ..that is contact me to my number ..+919900410314.Or any body have friends working in capgemini bangalore?Please i need urgent help...thnak you with regards adnan hasan


what is the need for accounting standard?

1 2973

How many accounting standards issued by ICAI?

5 26097

What do you mean by Adjustment


what is bad debt

2 3722

what are the purpose for the preparation of cost centre ?


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define bank Draft


why you want to join the banking and finance industry?


From the following find out a. Profit Volume ratio b. Break even point c. Sales for 40% P/V Ratio d. Margin of safety from the sales Rs 3,00,000 e. Net profit from the sales of Rs 3,00,000 f. Required sales for the new profit of Rs 70,000 g. Required sales for the net profit of Rs 70,,000 after tax, the corporate income tax being 40% h. Additional sales required to convert an increase of Rs 3000 p.a. in the sales manager salary Sale 2,00,000 Variable Overheads 1,50,000 Profit 50000 Fixed overheads 15000 Net profit 35000 Sl No Heads of Account Debit Rs Credit Rs 1 Drawing and Capital 750 15,000 2 Stock as on 01.01.2009 69720 3 Bills Receivable and bills payable 1000 1180 4 Returns 300 320 5 Purchases and Sales 4500 8300 6 Wages 70 7 Discount 30 8 Salaries 200 9 Canara Bank Shares 3000 10 Insurance 120 11 Building 3000 12 Furniture 700 13 Debtors and Creditors 600 1300 14 Cash in Hand 470 15 Overdraft at bank 900


What three Specific Job Positions do you target from the Industry


what are the new rules of central excise ?


What is the role oF Jr Financial Analyst ? And what are the General Questions Asked for this Profile For freshers ?




what is the meaning of Processing Vendor/Employee payments


what is composition vat


For what purpose ERS is used for?




if not found suitable for the post applied for, are you willing to be considered for a lower post yes / no ? why?


what is the use of special general ledger if the normal trasaction in usage.


Zee Ltd. uses material—A for the production of Product M. The safety stock of material A is 300 units; the supplier quotes a delivery delay of two or three weeks. If the company uses 500 to 800 units a week according to the activity levels, the re–order level of material–A will be A. 2300 units; B. 2400 units; C. 2700 units; D. 28 units.


if you fix salary to some body for Rs.10000/- what are the segregations to be done and what are the deductions to be done (segregations like basic, da,ta,conveyance etc., how ? what percentage what speaks law) and deductions what are those like, pf,esi,pt, etc., what ever