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to attend interview for real estate company accounts


interest paid comes under which head


Dear sir, I have complete in march 2007, for past 4year i am doing some marketing jobs in insurance sector, now i need to change my job in accounting sector, i have heard that by doing SAP Fico there will be better opurtunity in corporate companies.


hdn Systems Pvt. Ltd., manufactures a consumer durable which passes through two processes M and N. From the following details prepare necessary process ledger accounts bringing out clearly the cost of the product at each stage. Process ‘M’ Process ‘N’ Materials (Rs.) 30,000 3,000 Labour (Rs.) 10,000 12,000 Overheads (Rs.) 7,000 8,600 Input (units) 20,000 17,500 Normal loss 10% 4% Scrap value of loss (per unit) Re. 1.00 Rs. 2.00 There is no opening or closing W-I-P or stock at processes. Final output from the process ‘N’ was 17,000 units


what are the rules and regulations of junior accountant


What is the Branch Accountant Responsbilities ?


Placed an order with Mani for supply of goods worth Rs.5000/-. state whether the the following transcation is business transcation or non business transcation? with reson or explaination?


What Question ask in MARKIT Company?


What is the due date for filing monthly & annual sales tax returns in karanataka


plz tell me short cut method in maths for clerck post in bank


what are the aspects an auditor has to see when he/she is doing the Purchase,Sales and Journal Vouching


What is DRA in bank reconciliation.


what do you mean indirect expanse in trading business?


Queries for Big4 Articleship : Whether son of CA in practice effects chances.


Have you worked with other on team endeavors