Taxation Interview Questions
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tds will be charged by hotel industry on what

Hotel Management,


In an E1 trasaction, if the dealer fails to get the E1form from his supplier& submit it to the Sales Tax Authority, then how much will be the expected penalty from Sales Tax department, if the local tax of those item is 14.5%? Please Note: Dealer has submitted all other documents to sales tax including customer Cform expect E1 form. Kindly give us the valuable answer with the supporting CST circular number.


In advance c form dvat why not showing the amount in form verification


taxes leivied on carpentar & plumbing services


if i have a comany take contract from gvt. & i take contract from that company, & in his bill he show about all tax deduction ike IT, WCT etc, but material is purchase by that company not by us so here i want to know how WCT applicable? on total amount of contract or according to rule like material service & after adding all things??


At what point excise duty is accrued


Can we pay advance salary to a single employee in cash of an amount exceeding 10,000?


if i am running a tank lorry and the income of the tank lorry comes under haryana VAT 2003?


if i paid interest on tds for ex:- tds deducted on rent for the month of april, may, june rs. 20000 each for month and tds paid on 7th july then i have to pay interest @ 1.5% for rs. 1200 , 900 , 600 respectively , so i wanted to know what is the entry for rising of this interest in accounting software other than tally


Is Work Contract Tax expenses for a company?


Define FBT with example & how it can be calculate ?


how to adjustent the accounts part of the company and how to calculate vat and gst .kindly answer me sir. my e-mail id is:-


please share fy 2017-18 salary tds auto matic excel utility


How much is the VAT in UAE


if salary paid per month Rs 80000/ I will deduct TDS from his salary, please what I do explain.(send Urgently)


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Un-Answered Questions { Taxation }

What is difference between Contract and legel and legel and profession service???? I had face this question in interview


which date Entry Tax has been started by Himachal Govt. and Please let us know the which act under Entry tax comes


A Old Government Job retired Personnel who is getting his Pension amount@Rs.11000/- per month. He has put his retirement Fund in Bank Deposit for 1 year. No Bank is deducted TDS on that amount. Do we have any way by which his TDS can be refunded or saved


what is excise duty and how can we mantain its account in outgoing and incoming of bill status.


I have a plot at Visakhapatnam. I have entered into a contract with a builder which enables him to construct 10 flats on the plot and builder and myself will share 50:50 of the constructed area. i.e. builder will get 5 and i will get 5 flats. Builder is not paying me any other consideration apart from 5 flats. Kindly clarify as to whether any servive tax is applicable and payable by me ?- kgr varma


Hi, Please guide me in the TDS calculation. I know the slabs.But I dont have much idea about the deduction part.What is the need of Bsic and HRA while calculating TDS.Also I heard that LIC, Rent etc is excempted from TDS.Please guide email id is Thanks in advance..


I am working at Himachal Pradesh, let me know cant i adjust entry tax in vat? if no then why or yes, please exlain.


Can u provided all the dues date and depositing date which are used in general manner or Income tax..




is there any specific percentage related to lower tax deduction under tds


what is the actual use of pure agent in tally erp 9 and why we use in tally .and what is the role of pure agent


what are the slab rate for F Y 2010-11


What is commercial tax? and what comes under commercial tax? What are the Provisions relating to it?


I run a small consultancy firm (partnership with my mother) from my residence address. My firm is not registered, but I do have a separate PAN for it. I do not have any salaried employees. I get work done by freelancers and vendors and pay them against invoice. My annual revenues are just about Rs 5-6 lakhs. I am aware that I would need to register for service tax once I touch Rs 9 lakhs. But I am confused about my obligation to get a TAN and deduct TDS for all vendor/freelancer payments. Are there any minimum thresholds for withholding TDS? Right now I pay 100% of invoice amounts. Please advise.


we have some central purchase bill against c form i want c form against this bill what requirment for form because we have not recived any c form from the cst office please advice me what i do . thanks