Taxation Interview Questions
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if the sales are completely credit based(6 months) can we enter in the current month VAT 200 form?

1 2497

If we purchase material against Form-C from Mumbai and two address mentioned in the invoice i.e.invoiced address - Delhi and Shipped address-Banglore(material delivered address).So,from-C should be issued from which state.

3 4764

land lord raise Rs 107175/- as rent on leased premises plus the service tax @ 10.30/- we deduct tds at the rate of 10% we avail 50% how to pass entries and how much amount do we have to pay

1 2915

meaning of accessory for central excise purpose


IF the turnover of assessee is below Rs 50 lacs but profit declared is less than 5% of turnover . IS he subject to tax audit?

3 5353

in a company, if employee contributing To PF equal to employer contribution. can he voluntarily stop his contribution while he is in service with that company?


Physician samples should be charged under CST @ 5% manufactured in H.P. and transferred to other states



Is there any criteria for percentage define of TDS rates? and What is the major advantage of introducing DTC and GST by Central Govt?


how will one calculate TDS when the bill is with service tax (SAY an AMC bill ) and what treatment will be there when it is a rent bill with service tax. is there any rules in income tax as to deduct double taxation?? pls help with rules sir


I have transfered the goods in F-Form (i.e. from one state to another) but now the problem is when I have sold the material in the Local market say for 100+tax=100tax, some of the material got defective say 50+tax=50tax. We will have to issue F-form of how much ??? 100 or 50. Kindly send me the same to my mail address -


Sir among the answers given by different persons, different answers are posted for the same question? regarding calculation of ESI & PF calculation whether on Basic or Gross salary? could u suggest the exact answer from the expert Pls.

2 3390

we have got a bill of maintinance charges (material Bill only. bill amount is rs. 5000/- now my question is how much wct we have to cut.

1 2857

if "a" is a party from gurgaon purchase goods from "b" a party of bhiwadi. "a" purchase goods at cst @2% against "c" form of rs(taxable amt) 10000/- cst @2% rs 200/- then the total bill amount is 10200/-. what is the amount of "C" form made by "a"?

Matrix, Retail,

7 7808

what is the difference b/w deferred tax exp and defeered tax liab? should Deffered Tax expense be deducted b4 computing Net profit?


Can i purchase fuel like LNG against C-form under Haryana Vat Act

1 3297

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interest paid to bank rs. 15000 in connection with overdraft obtained for paying dividend.


A Service provided has provided bill amounting rs. 100000 dt. 30/04/2013 & i have paid amount with 30000 Rs. as on 24/5/2013, & 20000 paid on 7/6/2013 & rest of the amount has been paid as on 15/6/2013 then on which amount TDS has been deducted. may it deducted on Bill amount or payment amount? If bill amount then at which date TDS entry should be done ? & if on Payment date then which date. and if i want to compute interest for late payment of TDS then Which date should be consider for interest payment computation. Do the needful for the same.


How to show reject material in ER1


what is form 8? what are all the details to be collected while buying c form


how to calculated all taxes their information in details


what is the actual use of pure agent in tally erp 9 and why we use in tally .and what is the role of pure agent


what are the slab rate for F Y 2010-11


Explain the procedure to calculate provident fund, esi, vat and sales tax.


The CST assessement for the FY 2006-07 is completed on 31-3- 2010 and the same is received by dealer on 22-4-10. The question is that the dealer colud not produced the original H Forms at the time time asst. except the photostat copies filed. But the CTO not allowed and calculate tax at net 4% on H Forms turnover. CTO is saying that it is time barred by 31-3-10. Therefore even after produced we can not revise. We filed with case laws that it can be revised But when it is time barred it canot be. Therefore I request You to help the dealer ANYCASE LAW is there in the above case Pl. guide us.


is it necessary to use form38 in UP for purchase of goods from outside UP @5%CST Tax


Pls.tell me some website name who display practical question & answers of accounting work. like tds, service tax entry and some more. also provide important knowledge of all taxes.


why charges PURCHASE @ 15 % TAX RATE ?


How many types of vat categoryplease tell me all type of vat categories..............


I paid service tax double time due to web site problem for the year 2009-10, is there any chance to claim that amount if yes please tell me the process. thanking you.


we are a manufacturer unit can we purchases of building material agst form "C" or vat C4?