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Hughes Interview Questions
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Which of the folowing is not correct a. (x+y)'=x'.y' b. (x'+y')'=x.y c. (x'.y')'=x+y d. (x'+y')'=x'.y'

2 5023

If two dies are thrown simultaneously what is the prob. of one of the dice getting face 6 ? a. 11/36 b. 1/3 c. 12/35 d. 1/36

3 7350

Advantage of SRAM over DRAM ?

7 45677

RAM chips arranged in 4X6 array and of 8kX4bit capacity each. How many address lines reqd. to access each byte a. 12 b. 16 c.15 d. 17

5 10635

Method used for Disk searching.. a.linked list b.AVL c.B-tree d. binary tree

3 9718

A chocolate block is of 4 X 4 size.How many cuts are needed to make 1 X 1 size blocks. No simultaneous vert. & horz. cuts?

5 8360

CSMA/Cd protocol used in

6 9954

Checksum in IP packet is

3 6612

which one of following is not memory management model? choices are buddy system, monitors, paging, swapping

6 10597

proc() { static i=10; printf("%d",i); } If this proc() is called second time, what is the output?

7 8453

int arr[] = {1,2,3,4} int *ptr=arr; *(arr+3) = *++ptr + *ptr++; Final contents of arr[]

6 13260

TCP/IP hdr checksum : what method is used ?

4 10603

One solution for deadlock prevention for dining philosopher's problem

3 8636

given a height balanced tree. If we add one more node , how many nodes gets unbalanced ?

2 6675

Given a arbitrary pointer to an element in a singly linked list?what is the time complexity for its deletion .

1 4158

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Un-Answered Questions

How to manage Payment terms in Credit Management?


Whats be the minimum foundation depth of multistoried building as per height of building in individual footing?


Write a simple example for the clone() method.


What is sub-contracting cycle in mm?


How do you capture an element loading after the page load?


What is var and let in javascript?


What is the toolbox in visual studio?


how do you know from tables that an Employee has been terminated?


What are the three types of tombstone markers in hbase?


What basic steps are needed to display a simple report in crystal?


Where Malloc(), Calloc(), and realloc() does get memory?


what differences can you state between the hlt and hold states?


State the different connection methods used for creating different types of sql.


Compare Mutex and Semaphore in java.


What are the applications of cad?