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HPL Interview Questions
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What is the max demand on your transformer and your company?

10 53101

compute the nth mumber in the fibonacci sequence?

10 16716

When I am doing excise part of supplementory invoice by transaction type J1is & j1iv. The edu cess(1%) is not appearing in the accounting document but BED & SE CESS(2%) is appearing. WHAT SHOULD I DO.Please help. Accouting document is given hereunder for your ready reference:- Account Account Short text tx amount currency xxxx ED PAYABLE-OG INVOI V0 XXXXXX INR xxxx MODVAT SUSPENSE(BED) V0 XXXXXX INR xxxx EDU CESS PAYBLE-INV V0 XXXXXX INR xxxx MODVAT SUSPENSE(seCESS)V0 XXXXXX INR Regards, Sutirtha

1 4851

what is the difference between current rating and breaking current of an MCCB? and for a known load how to calculate the current rating of a MCCB?

1 6131

how we do Vector group ,magnetic balance and tap changer test in Transformer?


Define protection core in CTs Ex. 5P10, 5P20 etc.

1 5044

what is humming noise and wha is the reason to develop humming noise in a mv pannel ?

2 4719

how test transfomer(3 phase75kva) by megger


What is the application of Nitrogen Injection system in Transformer Protection?

1 5484

Dear Community Members, Could you please help me in solving a urgent problem ? Below is details:- On client side working on SAP GUI print setting in Billing printed copy are problematic...( The problem regarding the improper arrangement of Numerical figures in Excise Invoices )....for your knowledge for easying the problem solution:- 1. from other system when print given the print is ok 2. there is no problem in printer 3. Also reinstalled SAP GUI but of no use As per me, final solution will be re-install the windows ? any other efficient solutions to the problem ?

1 3940

What is conventional thermal current (Ith)


What is the difference between MCCB,ELCB,RCB & MCB

2 5568

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Define .asp file?


What is ajax and how it works?


What is xor operator in c#?


difference between global n context sensitive segments?


What are some good uses of low-grade steam at 12 atm and 1920c?


Fiscal year variant F1 has 6 posting periods and fiscal year variant F2 has 4 posting periods. The posting have different start and ending dates.assign posting period variant F1 is assigned to leading ledger (0L) and F2 is assigned to the non-leading ledger(N1). You get an error message when making a posting in the non-leading ledger.?( any 1 answer) • The posting period variant of the non-leading ledger and the leading are different • The fiscal year variant of the non-leading ledger and the leading ledger are different • The posting is being made in a special period, but both variants are examples of a shortened fiscal year • The posting period for the non leading ledger group”N1” is closed


Sometimes, customers place big orders. Later they refuse to take the delivery. What will you do in such a situation to convince the customer to take the delivery? How will you ask the customer to pay you the full amount at the time of delivery?


How do you remove a page background in a worksheet?


What are different types of cloud?


Can I open exe files on android?


Which compiler is used in visual studio?


Explain the configuration section of a cobol program with examples of syntax.


What is wrapper class in salesforce?


What is countif function in excel?


I am working as asst. mngr purchase in small exports firm in moradabad (u.p.)there have to do all level functions in my working and seeks now more challenging job in very big organization and i m afraid to face the interview what do they ask abt in the field of material managment so you will plz help me for sending the question abt mngr purchase interview..