When I am doing excise part of supplementory invoice by transaction type J1is & j1iv. The hr.se edu cess(1%) is not appearing in the accounting document but BED & SE CESS(2%) is appearing. WHAT SHOULD I DO.Please help. Accouting document is given hereunder for your ready reference:- Account Account Short text tx amount currency xxxx ED PAYABLE-OG INVOI V0 XXXXXX INR xxxx MODVAT SUSPENSE(BED) V0 XXXXXX INR xxxx EDU CESS PAYBLE-INV V0 XXXXXX INR xxxx MODVAT SUSPENSE(seCESS)V0 XXXXXX INR Regards, Sutirtha
1 4877what is the difference between current rating and breaking current of an MCCB? and for a known load how to calculate the current rating of a MCCB?
1 6162Dear Community Members, Could you please help me in solving a urgent problem ? Below is details:- On client side working on SAP GUI print setting in Billing printed copy are problematic...( The problem regarding the improper arrangement of Numerical figures in Excise Invoices )....for your knowledge for easying the problem solution:- 1. from other system when print given the print is ok 2. there is no problem in printer 3. Also reinstalled SAP GUI but of no use As per me, final solution will be re-install the windows ? any other efficient solutions to the problem ?
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