Could you tell me two things you did in your previous assignment (QA/Testing related hopefully) that you are proud of?
2 9007Post New Allianz Manual Testing Interview Questions
Is there a web interface / rest api / etc?
Explain different recording modes?
What are the field values for tools tables?
Can I upgrade from the evaluation edition of exchange 2003 enterprise server to the rtm standard version of exchange 2003 server?
Differentiate between iterable and iterator.
What is class and structure in c++?
Why do you use a data source object for a connection?
What is WP17 Interleaved Parallel Routing?
Can we overload run() method in java?
What is non linear data structure in c?
Explain the difference between optical zoom, digital zoom and smart zoom?
1)What is a Triode? What are its uses? 2) What is a Triac? 3) What is a Thyristor?
Explain nested join?
how do secured fields behave when records are shared?
What is a long in c#?