What are the main features of ms word 2007?
Basic Stuff related to Perl?
What are cursors? Explain the different types of cursors Enlist a few disadvantages of cursors.
What is Standard observer?
What is the maximum amount to issue Form C to a dealer for the purchase of 40 crores in several bills in a quater?
How we calculate the recovery of steam as per coal in a boiler if we know the calorific value of coal?
What do you mean by style sheet?
How fuel oil consumed by medium engine?
The nucleophile in the first stage of the serine protease mechanism is a) H2O b) the carboxyl of Asp 102 c) the hydroxyl of Ser 195 d) the imidazole of His 57
Explain the difference between mvc (model-view-controller) and mvp (model-view-presenter)? : asp.net mvc
dmrc entrance exam papers
What is astm?
in differential pressure transmitter,min&max pressure range for hp&lp
Mention what are buses used for communication in embedded system?
Can any one give an explanation about rating factors of cable? if we are laying the cable on the air with an temp 15 degree then rating factors will be 1.15 and if we are laying the cable on the air an temp 60 degree then rating factor will be 0.76 please describe it and what is the difference between rating factor and derating factor?