Write a program to print count of empty strings in java 8?
Iam appearing for rrb exam for juniour electronics engineer post what kind of questions would be asked?i am an electronics engineer and have completed diploma in electronics please suggest some study material or links or books
Explain environment hub?
Why is #define used?
Your ad can show to a potential customer when your targeted language matches to?
Can parameters have drop down list?
I am using submission of two ct in one and half scheme for 67/67N protection. Both CTs star point is grounded separately near ct box.Will two point ground give wrong tripping to 67/67N during fault or no matter.
Can I download information directly from a sharepoint site to a personal digital assistant (pda)?
What is shell scripting?
What spring is in related to j2ee?
There is a method getColumnCount in the JDBC API. Is there a similar method to find the number of rows in a result set?
What is Plan Depreciation(AFAB)
What do you know about the historical background of Development Financial Institutions (DFIs)?
What does it mean to declare a member variable as static?
What is object in java?