I have attended Scientist Entry Test on 7th Sep. Hereby I am submitting paper for Electronics and Communication branch…….. Hope it helps future aspirants……..
1896Post New DRDO English Interview Questions
what is the minimum winding resistance of 30hp compressor, to run or to switch on
How do we measure the success of search engine marketing efforts?
tell me is there a space limitation on the exchange server?
How to pass parameters to stored procedure using linq?
What do you mean by homeostatic imbalance?
What is traceur compiler ?
What is latest hibernate version?
What is the function of parser component in teradata?
Is viewstate secure?
What are the things to do when approaching the port?
When should configuration management procedures be implemented?
What is web service and example?
What is the behavior of the eim delete process?
Describe briefly an ADO.NET Dataset ?
Does view occupy space?