if a man byes 1 lt of milk for 12 Rupees and mixes with 20% of water and sells it for Rs. 15 then what is percentage of gain
11 27145Post New Agile Software Interview Questions
What are jms channels?
Can we execute a Talend Job remotely?
What are industrial robots?
What is docstring? How to define it?
What are the transaction codes for process chain?
Describe the working of 3φ semi converter. And derive the expressions for average output voltage and rms output voltage?
What is use of region in CUCM?
What is difference between mill and mill-drill?
Why we using the user properties?
How can we display all validation errors to user on jsp page?
What are jsp lifecycle methods?
What are its features/advantages of uber jar?
What is the disadvantage of synchronization?
Do google analytics will track actual click path of individual visitor or not?
What are the mandatory keywords of sub file?