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Cisco Networking AllOther Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Explain the advantage and disadvantage of ethernet ?

12 159177

what is the advantage and disadvantage of hub

13 104279

What are the advantages and disadvantages of switch

13 197100

What are the advantages and disadvantages of router

17 150462

What are the advantages and disadvantages of NIC

4 44546

What are the advantages and disadvantages of modem

16 125861

What are two characteristics of clients in data networks?

1 13367

How data flow from source to destination please Explain each step from layer to layer?

3 8000

On a nexus, is the metric-type keyword not available in the "default-information originate" command?


what is the equivalent nx-os command for the "ip multicast-routing" ios command, and does the nexus 7000 support pim-sparse mode?


when I issue the "show ip route bgp" command, I see my routes being learned via ospf and bgp. How can I verify on the nx-os which one will always be used and which one is a backup?


Post New Cisco Networking AllOther Interview Questions

Cisco Networking AllOther Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the real time example of encapsulation?


Explain personal, shared and secured? : sap bobi


Leave went into lop(scenarios based fit gap) requirement phase is?


What is scope rule of function in c?


What is malware?


Where i can get the objective type question for Voip. please let me know soon.


What you mean by COM and DCOM?


Can you inherit from a sealed class?


generally in LT and MV motors we are using 3.5Coresx16,25,35,50 etc cable for supply.although motors is earthed at two point and having all protection.then why we are using that 1/2 core for earthing the motors.while in HT cable we are using only 3core cable for motor supply.generally lt and mv motors are delta connected and ht motors having star connection.whethere it is having any relation with winding connection( star or delta).all motors i am talking about are dol only.can anybody solve my confusion.thanks...


What is the extension name of dos?


What is maximum zoom percentage in ms word?


Where is average function in excel?


What is the difference between machine learning and artificial intelligence?


What type of indexing mechanism do we need to use for a typical data warehouse?


how gravity filling machine is designed