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Adobe Test Cases Interview Questions
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write a test case on web login and bank application and client server

60 140876

write test case for white board marker.

5 26121

Write 10 test cases for the condition P=R/I where R and I are integer and P is floating point.

6 11909

how to test an imaging application that removes the red eye affect from an image?

1 7919

what are the possible test cases of an VOIP phone

2 23628

Could someone answer the following testing Questions? 1)Give 5 reasons why a build can be released with bug 2)Write a bug report for a word processor program which crashes when the contents of 89th column is been sorted in assending order. 3)write test 10 cases for program which has a table with 2 fields of NAME od char type and CLASS of INT type.NAME fields is truncated after 26 charaters and CLASS takes value between 1 to 9 both included. There are 3 possible opearations program can perform a)When a new student joins the class the program adds a new field b)When student leaves the class the field get deleted c)when student gets promoted then program incremts the class by 1 Write 5 test cases for the scenario. 4)write 10 test cases for a program that takes date in dd/mm/yyyy format and prints it out with a increment of 1. for dates (dd) can be given in the range 1<=dd>=30 for months (mm) can be given in the range 1<=mm>=12 for years(yyyy) can be given in the range 1600<=yyyy>=9999 5)Give 5 bugs that could cause a program to crash when it printed the 999999 th pages 1000001th line.

6 16182

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Is there any procedure of web-site development in manual testing. If yes what are factors we should test?


How do you calculate treasury stock?


How is body onload() function is different from document.ready() function used in jquery?


What is data and its type?


Explain in detail the thevenin`s theorem


while i check zero check for dp flow transmitter some fluctuating came (0 to 458 kg/h) what is the reason?


What is a dynamic array in c?


How does javascript work?


How do I update my drivers on windows 7?


What is the purpose of the keyword in SEO?


what post do you prefer to work in this company and why do you think you can serve better in such position?


How you know when to use a static cache and dynamic cache in lookup transformation?


What will you do if you are offered higher salary at a different organisation while you are working with us?


How will you brief about aws and its services?


What is RPA? Explain in detail?