You have two sorted array of integers, write a program to find a number from each array such that the sum of the two numbers is closest to an integer i.
117Post New Adobe Data Science Interview Questions
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When is a “switch” statement preferable over an “if” statement?
What is a Case Assignment Rule?
What type of records can be kept in a blockchain? Is there any restriction on the same?
What is self in oop of python?
Explain the role of the transaction manager?
Explain the osi role in computer networking?
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What is finally in scala?
Did you have a favorite project that you had to do while in school?
. What is Electrical Life & Mechanical Life of Circuit Breaker? 2. What is Electrial Life & Mechanical Life of Magnetic Contactor? 3. What is RCD, RCCB & RCBO? 4. What is the Between defferance of RCD, RCCB & RCBO?
What is the modern understanding of the word yellow in the term yellow journalism?
In a voltage-controlled current source A A current booster is never used B The load is always floated C A stiff current source drives the load D The load current equals Isc
What are the significance of semaphores what are the different types of semaphores?
What are societies?