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CGI SQL PLSQL Interview Questions
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What are the default Oracle triggers??

3 17349

a. Can you delete data from a View. b. If Yes, can you delete it if there are multiple tables c. If No, can you delete if there is single source table which is joining.

1 7107

a. Can you delete data from a View. b. If Yes, can you delete it if there are multiple tables c. If No, can you delete if there is single source table which is joining.

4 9258

What are the difference between Functions/Stored Procs and Triggers and where are they used.

1 5216

Can you have multiple SPs with the same name on a database?

2 6071

Can you create a table with Primary Key not as the clustered index.

2 6677

Can you have multiple SPs with the same name on a database?

6 10001

Source is Sales Table: Sno Prod Sales Sales_Amount 1 A 10 2000 2 A 20 1000 3 C 10 3000 4 D 30 4000 5 A 20 1000 Target : Sales_Count T_Sales_Amt Sales_Count(A) T_Sales_Amt(A) 90 11000 50 4000 In single query, pls tell me.

5 7147

can i create trigger on synonym is it possible or not please help me

4 9549

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CGI SQL PLSQL Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Explain what is the difference between flow control and error control?


What is the quickest way to export a table to a flat file?


Explain yarn twist?


What is charat ()?


What is injection in angular?


What are the three main applications of ms excel?


Differentiate between wss 3.0 and moss 2007.


How to skip remaining statements in a loop block using continue statements?


What is libs/ directory?


How do I install javascript?


What are the goals of UML?


What are some common uses of Pickling in Python?


What is cursor in pl sql?


What is isset in php?


What is linkage section?