what is the differents and advantages of Electro magnetics relay and static relay ? what is the numerical relay ? advatages?......
7 22028In the Load Test of 3 Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor, 2 wattmeters are used. One of the wattmeter deflects in negative diretion during no load. Why?
1 8604Post New CAT Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
How to fetch a new version of drupal?
What is ideal IR values for ground and neutral.
Tell me what is the need for an infinite loop in embedded systems?
What is difference between client and cluster mode in spark?
What is activex plugin?
What is tidy parsing?
Mention what is the advantage of slt replication?
What is java sql drivermanager?
Where is data stored in a database?
Why use only splunk? Why can’t I go for something that is open source?
Why do I get exception messages even though I am in protected code?
Explain what is densitometer is used for?
INCLUDE is used ONLY on MVS/ESA Version 4 or higher systems to name an INCLUDE group. An INCLUDE group is a set of one or more valid JCL statements that are stored together in a JCLLIB data set or a system procedure library, and that are read in and used to replace the INCLUDE statement itself within the job. Any number of INCLUDE statements can be used in a job, but the name field value used on each should be unique within the job. The INCLUDE statements can appear in a job anywhere after the JOB statement, but may not appear between a CNTL and ENDCNTL JCL statement.
Have you used any caching mechanisms in SAP Process Orchestration? How do they contribute to improved performance?
What is cookie?