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Capita Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Caritor placement papers ----------- placement paper 2

4 17246

What is your stregth & Weakness

4 15888

What is your stregth & Weakness

14 34793

Who is your hero & why ?

8 33324

WHY you choose to work in a call center? why we should hire you without experience in a call center? why do you want to work in a graveyard ship? How much salary do you want to received? what is a call center for you?

31 286504

Favourite Festival

6 32687

tell me the most memorable day of ur life and why is it so?

49 724323

Hi I have few Quries can any 1 solve these plz 1)What is the total organization structure of your Client? 2)What is difference between task and change request? It is possible to release a request with out releasing task? 3)How you maintain Taxes and TDS in SAP? 4)What is ment by ZERO INVOICES 5)In asset accounting, how you prepare capital budgeting? Can any 1 plz answer these,They r a bit Urgent

1 5364

Tell me about ur college life?

57 978464

How to calculate salary structure( PF, ESI, Gratuity, CCA, HRA, etc)

2 18796

Tell me the General entry for provision for bad debts?

19 27030

what is the difference between Supply Chain & Logistics???

3 13985

What is the function for capturing the streaming vedio (could be a flashplayer) in an web application using Load Runner..?

1 4553

Which figure should be placed in the empty triangle? 6 7 7 6 8 6 6 ? 2 2 5 3 4 2 5 3

11 51950

Brown, Jones and Smith are a doctor, a lawyer, and a teacher. The teacher, who is an only child, earns the least money. Smith, who married Brown's sister, earns more than the lawyer. What is each man's job?

3 14238

Post New Capita Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Name various power states of a virtual machine?


What is boolean data type in java?


Differentiate between derived role and composite role


What is acpextract?


Which api is provided by java for operations on set of objects?


What are the types of microsoft word?


How will you stop the execution of a script on error?


What are the extensions?


Where do I create jsp in eclipse?


How important is an element’s attributes used in xslt?


What is power relay?


How do you measure the content of vitamins or iron in a plant ?


Why do you think you will do well in this job? : bpo


howmany types of indexing


Hi, what is the meaning of DOCUMENTUM,how and what testers have to do with it?