I have four steps in jcl they are STEP1,STEP2,STEP3 and STEP4. Can it possible to run the reverse order like step4 first then step3,step2,step1?
4 20265Post New Broadridge JCL Interview Questions
If you have installed a particular version of tibco software e.g. Tibco bw x.y.z, what are x, y and z number stands for?
How to check the date in unix?
Under the accrual basis of accounting, when revenues are reported in the accounting period?
What are drupal distributions and drupal installation profiles
What is action section?
How can I tell which files in the database correspond to files in my project?
How do I use regsvr32?
How to build the React app for production?
What is the syntax to create a collection and to drop a collection in mongodb?
What is arraylist class in java?
What is servlet context in spring?
How do you think you can make a contribution to Buffalo Wild Wings?
List the advantages of groovy.
What is ibm db2 client?
Explain parent-child context setup. What are the advantages?