Explain the methods used to render the views in ASP.Net MVC?
How long does it take to learn pl sql?
What is wrong with the sample program below?
Default path of the error logs & transactions logs?
Are they different hardware?
Explain a few date functions in vbscript
Which one is better subquery or joins?
Explain a segment?
what is the difference between black box testing and white box testing?
How do you remove items from the start menu?
Why you use a static front page in WordPress?
I will complete chemical engg next yr from a deemed university. Earlier I dropped 2 yrs after std 12th. Then I got 2 yr back while completing engg, due to reasons beyond my control. Will I face any problem while applying for job. More so not many core companies come to our collg for placement. So i want to know which all companies can I apply to get a job?
What are the benefits of Razor View?
Explain binary search.
Why does apple use swift?