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3i Infotech Interview Questions
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If PQRST is a parallelogram what it the ratio of triangle PQS & parallelogram PQRST

5 30182

There are 6 red shoes & 4 green shoes . If two of red shoes are drawn what is the probability of getting red shoes

4 19690

A person wants to buy 3 paise and 5 paise stamps costing exactly one rupee. If he buys which of the following number of stamps. he wont able to buy 3 paise stamps

6 14486

The price of a product is reduced by 30% . By what percentage should it be increased to make it 100%

7 28361

There are two candles of equal lengths and of different thickness. The thicker one lasts of six hours. The thinner 2 hours less than the thicker one. Ramesh lights the two candles at the same time. When he went to bed he saw the thicker one is twice the length of the thinner one. How long ago did Ramesh light the two candles .

25 61929

Perimeter of the back wheel = 9 feet, front wheel = 7 feet on a certain distance, the front wheel gets 10 revolutions more than the back wheel .What is the distance?

8 29568

There are two circles, one circle is inscribed and another circle is circumscribed over a square. What is the ratio of area of inner to outer circle?

3 29118

A man leaves office daily at 7pm. A driver with car comes from his home to pick him from office and bring back home. One day he gets free at 5:30 and instead of waiting for driver he starts walking towards home. In the way he meets the car and returns home on car He reaches home 20 minutes earlier than usual. In how much time does the man reach home usually?

7 28258

No of financial emergency announced by president


If m/n=6/5 then 3m+2n=?

5 9429

Perimeter of front wheel =30, back wheel = 20. If front wheel revolves 240 times. How many revolutions will the back wheel take?

4 39748

City A's population is 68000, decreasing at a rate of 80 people per year. City B having population 42000 is increasing at a rate of 120 people per year. In how many years both the cities will have same population?

7 11295

A contract is to paint 3 houses. Mr brown takes 6 days to paint a house. Mr black takes 8 days and Mr blue 12 days. Mr brown leaves for a vacation after 8 days. Mr black works for 6 days from then.How many days would Mr blue require to complete the contract?

5 8880

A worker is paid Rs.20/- for a full days work. He works 1,1/3,2/3,1/8.3/4 days in a week. What is the total amount paid for that worker ?

1 1885

Each side of a rectangle is increased by 100% .By what percentage does the area increase?


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3i Infotech Interview Questions

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