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Videocon Interview Questions
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Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?

1 11900

Which type of modulation is used in TV transmission?

38 141069

what are all the books maintained in accounts for the purpose of excise?

20 44207

What is bearing How many types of brg

22 69919

1-What is Report Painter ? ALE / IDoc. ? User Exit ? Variances ? Please revert back with answer & if u have any Documents for above question, then plse. send me in my mail ID- thanks & regards Sundar

1 4974

what will you do if you dont get this job

12 17636

working of tuch screen pannel


what is diffrence between windows xp & windows xp service pack 2

2 7269

how we can save the wall paper same for all the users & they can not change it

4 7479

how u can hide ip adress for any login

1 7468

Explain the Various types of Mergers at different stages of Industry life cyle? Give some Example of Merger companies.


what is the difference between transmitter and converters?

9 32577

what are the boundaries and major constraints for a hr person

1 5324

what is SAP fullform

161 224146

Suppose water is there in a pot. It is being heated continuously untill formation of superheated steam. What is the temperature profile of water?. What is the temperature profile of the pot?.Imagine pot is heated from bottom.

1 2697

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Un-Answered Questions

What is meant by fungal element?


Explain what is output redirection?


Will windows 10 drivers work on server 2016?


1.what a diffrenrs v-lan & (layer)l-3,l-2 bitween plz define defination of these? to configur ms outlook & lotus note (ibm)


Is compensation the most important factor for you when taking a new job?


When we should go for codebase in applet?


How can you create a pca model in r?


how does database connection using ADO.NET?


What are the advantages of windows?


Can one dll file contains the compiled code of more than one .net language?


Explain the difference between Metadata and Manifest


How to handle https website in selenium? Or how to accept the ssl untrusted connection?


How do I change the default settings in powerpoint?


What is a good device to use for obtaining viscosity data for a non-newtonian fluid?


How memcached should not be used in your python project?