What are the tools that help to find bugs or perform static analysis?
How can we check whether A S M instance is up or down?
Explain the difference between parent() and parents() methods in jquery? : jquery mobile
I will complete chemical engg next yr from a deemed university. Earlier I dropped 2 yrs after std 12th. Then I got 2 yr back while completing engg, due to reasons beyond my control. Will I face any problem while applying for job. More so not many core companies come to our collg for placement. So i want to know which all companies can I apply to get a job?
Tell me who and when developed wordpress?
What is the difference between obj-list, rdb-list?
Explain difference between panel and groupbox classes using .net?
What is cost based profitability analysis? : cost center accounting
How do I declare inout arguments in c#?
List the available scopes for managed bean in jsf.
How will you integrate hibernate with spring framework?
How to assume answer to electrical questions
What does a router.navigate do?
What is the difference between web application and enterprise application?
What is difference between n and endl in c++?