I want to work in a call centre, but in the phone interview they asked abt the question of why do u want to work in the call centre and why not other's jobs. then wht i had to tel to them? only call centre as well as others jon if get oppurtunity corect or not
8 15744Post New Intelenet Interview Questions
What does trigger mean in slang?
What are dict and list comprehensions?
Will the asp.net validators run in server side or client side? How do you do client-side validation in .net?
How does the .net framework 3.0 relate to the .net framework 2.0?
What is router and why is it used in angular?
How do I remove programs from the start menu in windows 10?
What is Cookies Less Session?
What is the use of strict?
What is control file used for?
How to select all columns of all rows from a table in oracle?
Which type of os is linux?
How to use old values to define new values in update statements in ms sql server?
What do you know about chaining views.
What is a constraint? Tell me about its various levels.
diff between exptected result and requirement?