Describe to me the difference between validation and

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How to write the test scenarios for the following: 1. Searching train. 2. Data encryption and decryption. 3. Single signon. 4. Document printing. 5. Testing EMail. 6. Data authentication.


Explain the dynamic testing?


How to write test cases or test scripts for UAT testing which is done manually


Explain the monkey testing?


i m a fresher working in healthcare industry. here we hve no tool for testing. how i ll do manual testing?plz suggest anyone me urgently... i knw to write test case bt i dont knw where to write n how to execute it manually


How to write test case for this scenario. If the Zip Code field is populated, the system shall compare  the zip code value entered to the zip code value in  the Family Individual Information Tab


What is the logic testing?


What is test environment? Elaborate with example.


Test a function that reads a file into memory, say ReadFileToMemory( FILE * pFile, BYTE * pMem, DWORD numBytes)


If for any software product, if the customers more often us few functions, and rarely use few othere functionality. what a tester can expect more deffects can be found, in what area, where the functionality frequently used OR where rarly used?


This was asked to me recently in Microsoft interview How would you do DOS copy command testing


Explain the load testing?


can anybody help me how to write a test case for a program eg: c or C++ ,and also how to check their outputs


Write test cases for this scenario if a job fails it should get restarted again this should happen for three times if it fails again then it should quit?


Roads concatenation Problem Consider we have some GIS (Geo Information System) operating over some road network. Each road represented as array of two-dimensional geographical points. Road network is a set of roads. System has function called Concatenate(). This function takes raw road network and should return optimized road network. Optimization lies in concatenating roads with matching start or end points, i.e. if road AB end point matches road BC start point, then optimized network should contain concatenated road AC. Optimized network shouldn’t contain two roads which can be concatenated. Your task is to suggest set of test cases for Concatenate() function in order to make sure it works correctly. public interface IPoint { double Lat { get; } double Lon { get; } } public Road : List { } public RoadNetwork : List { } public RoadNetwork Concatenate(RoadNetwork roads);