customer ordered quantity 50 for material A but avaialable
stock is 20 if the company decided to get the remainig
stock from an external vendor i.e 30 in third party process
how to complete this order pls explain in detail how
purchase requisition, purcchase order is created in this
senario,how are schedule lines carried out? how is total
ordered quantity delivered to the customer? how is billing
done in this process??

Answer Posted / subha

We can do this in any of the fallowing ways
. 1 We go in for part delvries where we deliver 20 goods
and for the other 30 we go in for third party and raise
the PR in schdule lines and the automatic PO GENERATION in
ITEM CATEGORY AND excute the order . We do individual
delveries in this case and biling is also done seperately

CASE 2 :
We check if any other plant or subsidariy of ours are
capable of realseing the required material if so we can go
in for sto process

Case 3:
We raise the order for 30 a goods to the vendor and ask him
to deliver at a comman palce ( lean ware house ) of the
company and we also send the goods to that stock point .
combine the order then do a single delivery and do a single

Cas4 :
In this we check the possibilites in respect to cost ;
technical know how and the time to produce this order but
it is a very very rare case

Case 5 :
We can go in for subsition process for the 30 again this
is not an easy process and dpends on the customer

In either way the frist 3 options are commanly put into

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