write the regular expression for date format of mm/dd/yy?

Answer Posted / ranu rathore


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I am a new tester that needs to create an automatic script involving security questions. On a webpage I need to select a security question(which are random) from a drop down menu, and then input the answer as the last word from the security question. I have the script set-up to automatically select the first security question from the drop down. The problem I am having is trying to insert the security answer. How do I insert the security answer based on the selection from the security question?


Can we create user defined functions in qtp?


write a script to validate the content in the web application. (do it by OR method) and (do it by Descriptive method by creating a description object.. (give a filter condition only WEbelement- not easy need to use some more property while giving filter condtions- use google for your help...))


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Hi any body pls help me for QTP 11.0 software free demo version. i have to practice. Kindly send the link.or where i have to download.


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Hi, I'm a beginner in QTP and planning of a certification in QTP, but have no idea about it :P. Could anyone please tell me what certifications that a QTP- beginner can take? What is the fees and the syllabus for the certification? Please reply soon. Thanks Vidhya


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Can U Explain about QTP tool from older version to latest version also its differences?


Which functionalities of QTP used in banking project? pls any say answer?