Some BBilling Questions
1) Whether Billing update the document flow & billing
2) Can you change proposed Billing Type (Froom Sales Order)
while creating Billing Document?
3) Can you use an Invoice to refer an order and delivery at
the same time?
4) Can you generate debit and credit memo with reference to
5) When you process an invoice correction and you change
the quantity, the system also update the stock quantity and
value in the balance sheet. Is this true or false?
6) Should you create delivery after cash sales or not?
7) With delivery related billing the system will copy only
data from delivery or both sales order + delivery?
8) Whether SAP system allows you to include both order
related items & delivery related items on the same billing
9) Which can be changed before an accounting document is
*Billing Date *Pricing date *Billing Value *Account
Determination *Output determination
10 ) How you can identify in Billing whether it is order
related billing or delivery related Billing?

Rajiv Trivedi

Answer Posted / pitabash

1:- it is not clear
2:- yes we can change the proposed billing type while
billing. but that is limited only which you have mention on
copy control.
3:- Yes we can create an invoice refer to a delivery and a
sales order at the same time. before that you have to
customize in copy control for that billing document type
for both sales order & delivery doc.
4:-No we can't make a Debit/Credit memo with reference to
Delivery . It only create with ref to Sales order or
5:-When you create the Invoice correction , you change the
quantity the system do not update the stock quantity of and
value in balace sheet. the stock quantiy only update after
Post goods Issue or receive. so you can create ony
Credit /Debit memo refer to Invoice correction.
6:- No we can't create delivery after cash sale. because
delivery will be done at the same time with cash sale
order creation. Because cash sale is with immediate
delivey , you need to put only PGI and Invoicing after cash
7:-with delivey related billing the systems will copy
data from both sales order and delivery.
8:- yes the systems allows both order related item and
delivery related item on the same billing doc.
9:- Before accounting posting we can change both" Billing
date, Pticing date, Accounting Determination, output
determination. "

But after accounting posting you can change only output
date .
10:- you have go to display billing document and then go to
display item detail. then go to tab page item detail .
there you find ref document no and next to that no you find
J for delivery, C for order like this.

let me know if anything new.

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