How to create a package in changeman?

Answer Posted / tilek.m

First enter the changeman primary screen. There youll find
an option called Build(optn 1). Pressing 1 and enter, the
next screen is displayed which has options like
create,update,checkout, stage etc. of which select Create
(optn 1 ). The next screen will prompt for various
entries.THe package title field can be filled in with basic
info bout why this package is created. The application
space is filled with the application for which you wanna
create this package.The name and other spaces can be easily
filled in.Package level is Simple(1), Package type
depends... If the date for installation of the package is
known and the release date of the component is confirmed...
then package type is 'Planned' and the package time span
is 'PERManent'. Say if an abend occurs suddenly and you
have to fix it within a short time thereby modifying the
component(a member of a pds) then the Package type
is 'Unplanned' and package time span is 'TEMPorary'.... If
this is done then we have to specify the time for which you
want the package for modification.... Ranges from 1 to 7
days. After this press enter and the next screen will
display some lines... here you can type in detail as to why
you need these modifications basically this is for your
understanding. Press enter and the next screen will show
various LPARS you ll want the package in,The installation
date,name and phone number of the creator. Fill in all the
details. If you enter invalid details or if you leave a
field blank ... the system will display error
messages.Correct it accordingly. After all this is done
press enter. No message will be shown. Now press f3 and
come back to the create,update screen or your primary
screen and you ll find a value at the right top corner of
your mainframe screen. THIS IS YOUR PACKAGE ID.With this id
you can perform various other operations.

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