what is your strengths?

Answer Posted / waseem

my strength is most and formost thing the word start from
c, confident, and my positive attitude, and my

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

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HOW you spend the last day? how you spend the last Birthday.


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What are the question being asked by HSBC???


I m wrkin as an assitant manager (age 24 yrs)in ESSAR i wana to rollbak to my native place Delhi..nd njoy abit cool life..wat r the opportunities at call centre at higher levels....


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First round was HR round. The questions asked were: Tell me about yourself? Where were u born and brought up? I'l give u a sentence like a "walk in the park" or "walk in the vegetable market". Now frame a short story around it. Next was aptitude round, where 1 logical question such as "A works not in mangalore, not in mysore. B works in Mysore and not in mangalore, not in bangalore. C works in Mangalore. Then where does A work?" The rest were simple english questions and a passage was given and some questions asked from it. Next was technical round. The questions asked were: What is an IP address? What are the different types of networks(A,B,C,D,E) Can u tell me the address range of A,B,C,D,E networks? Why do we use these different networks? What is static Ip address? What is Dynamic IP address? How do we find out the IP address from your computer? What is the use of DNS? Next was OPS round. The questions asked were: Tell me more about yourself. What are ur expectations from the job? Describe success in terms of job? What is ur ideal job? Are u comfortable to work in night shifts? Sometimes a person younger to u might be in a better position. Are u comfortable taking directions from him? What is ur expected salary? If the software sector booms, Would u change ur job?


Have you ever worked in a call center before? If so, how long did you work there?


why do u want to leave the last organization ?


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