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Answers / { prabhakar }

Question { TCS, 34328 }

3. What are Unicode and non Unicode in sap?


Unicode is a character encoding system similiar to ASCII.
You can see the definiton for Unicode by Unicode consortium

Unicode is the universal character encoding, maintained by
the Unicode Consortium.

This encoding standard provides the basis for processing,
storage and interchange of text data in any language in all
modern software and information technology protocols".
Unicode covers all the characters for all the writing
systems of the world, modern and ancient. It also includes
technical symbols, punctuations, and many other characters
used in writing text.

The Unicode Standard is intended to support the needs of
all types of users, whether in business or academia, using
mainstream or minority scripts.

Most of the SAP implementations are done on Unicode system
as it support all kind of languages, which is good for a
company to expend their business. Another things is Unicode
system requires 70% more storage area and processing speed
to run the system perfactly.

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Question { Cap Gemini, 27161 }



manish can you explain me again

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