Un-Answered Questions { Genetics }

what is Avian flu threat? what are its symptoms?


How to construct Genetic Code?


how to Create population with sufficient genetic diversity ?


The village of Oblong has 400 normally-shaped residents. Transferrin is an iron carrier found in blood, and electrophoretic variation of this protein is determined by an autosomal codominant system. The citizens of Oblong were typed for their transferrin complements. The distribution of transferrin phenotypes was: 100 CC, 100 CD, and 200 DD. What is the frequency of the C allele?


Cystic fibrosis (CF) occurs with a frequency of about 1/2500 Caucasian newborns and is inherited as an autosomal recessive. A woman had an older sister die from complications of this disease. CF is not present among relatives of her husband. Both the woman and her husband have normal phenotypes. What is the chance this couple will have a CF child


Promoters of housekeeping genes contain variable numbers of GC boxes, but neither TATA nor CCAAT boxes.Inwhat way these properties of housekeeping promoters are helpful?


Suppose you are heterozygous for a mutant beta-thalassemia allele. If the frequency of beta-thalassemia is 1/1600 persons, what is the probabilty that your prospective spouse is heterozygous for a mutant beta-thalassemia allele?


Cystic fibrosis (CF) occurs with a frequency of about 1/2500 Caucasian newborns and is inherited as an autosomal recessive. A woman had an older sister die from complications of this disease. CF is not present among relatives of her husband. Both the woman and her husband have normal phenotypes. What is the chance this couple will have a CF child?


A blastomere was removed from an 8-cell human embryo, and its beta-globin gene was amplified by PCR. The beta-globin DNA was treated with an enzyme that cuts on either side of and within the normal allele (producing a small fragment), but not within the sickle cell allele (producing a large fragment). Electrophoresis of the treated DNA from the blastomere demonstrated the presence of both a large and small fragment derived from the beta-globin genes. How should you interpret this test?


What is Heterozygote detection?


A base deletion occurs in the regulator gene of the LAC operon. Describe how the operation of the LAC operon might be affected?


A single base exchange mutation occurs in the promoter of the TRP operon. How the operation of the HIS operon might be affected in two ways?


How the positive and negative DNA markers are used in genetic engineering?


Differentiate between biotechnology and bioengineering?


What are the 8 steps that are involved in genetic engineering?