Un-Answered Questions { Operating Systems AllOther }

Which is your favorite editor, shell, programming shell and why?


what kind of operating(s)systems would be needed (and explain why) in an environment where there exist various cluster of networks which are all interconnected in different geographical areas with strong emphasis on online applicating process.


Assuming feedback to the adversary flugging an error as each incorrect character is entered, what is the expected time to discover the correct password?


Assuming one link of the Trojan horse copy-and-observe-later chain is broken. There are two other possible angles of attack by Alice: Alice logging on and attempting to read the string directly, and alice assigning a security level of sensitive to the back-pocket file. Does the reference monitor prevent these attacks?


The flushing policy is described in the subsection on process migration strategies: a) From the perspective of the source, which other strategy does flushing resembles? b) From the perspective of the target, which other strategy does flushing resemble?


Directories can be implemented either as "special files" that can only be accessed in limited ways, or as ordinary data files. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?


In the token-passing mutual exclusion algorithm, is the timestamping used to reset clocks and correct drifts, as in the distributed queue algorithms? if not, what is the function of the timestamping?


iam free downloading the KK Dictionery to my system but that is not installed yet. can anybody tell be why this happen and what the system have to install the software.


Dear All, When the patches are installed in the server OS, how will we know that which patch is the latest patch?


1) What is an Virtual memory? 2) How do we test API's in both Windows/Linux/Unix? 3) What is an IOCTL? 4) How do you open a char device through API's? 5) What is major num/ minor num? 6) What is the max num for minor num? 7) Who gives you the major / minor numbers? 8) Reverse a string using recursive func. 9) fork/vfork/clone. 10) What does fork returns? 11) What is a zombie process? 12) What happens when a child completes before parent tries to wait for it? 13) Interrupt handlers, top-hdnl....?


What is the meaning of slosh login in nfs?


why we make plex offline online in vxvm?


any body tell me what are the prob's mostly we face and send some critical prob in real time environment in Solaris and veritas (VXVM,VCS)


Give some examples of use of thread in a single user multiprocessing system


what are latest technologies ? and how will keep yourself up to date ?