What is static function and static class?

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What is static function and static class?..

Answer / anthony michael

Static function and static variable does not below to single
instance of a class.

To access static functions we don't need instance of a class
instead it can be accessed using the class name followed by
::operator as:
[class_name::static_function() ]

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What is static function and static class?..

Answer / anthony michael


Static Class is not possible in C++. But it can be done in
Managed C++

Static Class:
For Static Class we can't create Instances and It can only
hold Static member's.

Creating a static class is therefore much the same as
creating a class that contains only static members and a
private constructor. A private constructor prevents the
class from being instantiated.

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What is static function and static class?..

Answer / brainless

If compilers don't check your pointers strictly,
you can also write code as below,

class A
//some static function code here
//never access non-static attributes here
static void callMe() {}

int main()
A * inst = NULL;

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What is static function and static class?..

Answer / sourisengupta


I got what is static function..but still waiting for the
definition of static class.

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