What is differance between Abstract and Interface

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What is differance between Abstract and Interface..

Answer / jasbir singh

An abstract class is a class with at least one function
without definitions.

An Interface is a class which only contains function
declarations, all the functions are specifically and
separately defined later. And you can't create objects of
these classes.

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What is differance between Abstract and Interface..

Answer / poorna chandar rao

diffrence bettwen the abstract class and interfaces

abstract class is having abstarct methods and concrete
methods abstarct class as compulosry having subclass for the
implementation abstarct methods and abstarct does not
support multiple inheritence
because one subclass extend the abstract class their is no
scope for extends for another class because it is not
support for the multiple inheritence
ex 1: abstract class one
2 class two extends one extend three (not valid)

but interface having only method signature in the interface
their is concrete method and it supports the multiple
inhirtence because

ex: interface one
class two implements one extends three(valid)
onc class implemens the interface and extends to another
class that is support the multiple inhertince

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What is differance between Abstract and Interface..

Answer / pankaj kumar upadhyay

abstract class contain an abstract function as well asather functions and variableand it must be defind in derived class and here we no create an object,
an SBI bank which follow the RBI Rules including it own rules.
while an interface class can contain only an abstract function, not any other functions or variables butit also must be defined in derive class .here also we dont create ao object.
an RBI follow only itself rules

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