Find the largest number in a binary tree

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Find the largest number in a binary tree..

Answer / guest's not a binary search tree.So we need to traverse
entire binary tree and check with the all node elements and
find the max value.
struct node
int data;
struct node *l;
struct node *r;
typedef struct node *nd;
int maximum(nd root)
static int max;
nd cur = root;
return max;

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 11 No

Find the largest number in a binary tree..

Answer / tomás senart

There is a difference between a binary tree and a binary search tree.
A binary tree isn't organized in any sense. The values of it's nodes can be random and have no relationship to each other.

Here is a method for finding the biggest node on a binary tree.

typedef struct node {
int value;
struct tree *right;
struct tree *left;
} Node;

int biggest_node(Node *node)
int biggest_left, biggest_right;

biggest_left = node->left ? biggest_node(node->left) : node->value;
biggest_right = node->right ? biggest_node(node->right) : node->value;

if(node->value < biggest_left && node->value < biggest_right)
return biggest_left > biggest_right ? biggest_left : biggest_right;
else if(node->value < biggest_right)
return biggest_right;
else if(node->value < biggest_left)
return biggest_left;
return node->value;

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 6 No

Find the largest number in a binary tree..

Answer / jiabul sk

int maxOfTree(tree * t)
//if tree is empty then it will return -99
if(t==null){return -99;}
int temp ;
temp=max( maxOfTree(t->left), maxOfTree(t->right));
return( max( t->info , temp ) );



Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 3 No

Find the largest number in a binary tree..

Answer / c++ genie

struct node
int data;
struct node *l;
struct node *r;
typedef struct node *nd;
int maximum(nd root)
static int max;
nd cur = root;
int temp = maximum(root->l);
if(temp > max)
max = temp;
int temp2 = maximum(root->r);
if(temp2 > max)
max = temp;
return max;

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 4 No

Find the largest number in a binary tree..

Answer / raghuram.a's not a binary search tree.So we need to traverse
entire binary tree and check with the all node elements and
find the max value.
struct node
int data;
struct node *l;
struct node *r;
typedef struct node *nd;
int maximum(nd root)
static int max;
nd cur = root;
return max;

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 10 No

Find the largest number in a binary tree..

Answer / guest


Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 12 No

Find the largest number in a binary tree..

Answer / bharat pandey

The Largest Node in the Binary tree is the Rightmost node
of the tree.
Hence we would traverse the Tree Till The Rightmost child
of the node is traversed.

the code is as follows:


struct node
int data;
struct node *left,*right;

struct node* MAX(struct node* q)
struct node* temp;
return temp;

this algorithm will find the largest element of the tree in
o(log n).

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 23 No

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