Write a program to receive an integer and find it's octal
How can i do with using while loop.

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Write a program to receive an integer and find it's octal equivalent. How can i do with using..

Answer / mithun shrivastav


void main()
int n,sum = 0,rev = 0;
print("\nEnter an Integer No. : ");
scanf("%d", &n);

sum = sum * 10 + n%8;
n = n/8;

while(sum > 0)
rev = rev*10 + sum%10;
sum = sum/10;

printf("Octal Equivalent = ", rev);


Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 16 No

Write a program to receive an integer and find it's octal equivalent. How can i do with using..

Answer / nitin sokhal

This program is Correct

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