Which of the following types of firewalls would BEST protect
a network from an Internet attack?

A. Screened subnet firewall

B. Application filtering gateway

C. Packet filtering router

D. Circuit-level gateway

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Which of the following types of firewalls would BEST protect a network from an Internet attack? ..

Answer / guest

Answer: A

A screened subnet firewall would provide the best
protection. The screening router can be a commercial router
or a node with routing capabilities and the ability to allow
or avoid traffic between nets or nodes based on addresses,
ports, protocols, interfaces, etc. Application-level
gateways are mediators between two entities that want to
communicate, also known as proxy gateways. The application
level (proxy) works at the application level, not only at a
package level. The screening controls at package level,
addresses, ports, etc. but does not see the contents of the
package. A packet filtering router examines the header of
every packet or data traveling between the Internet and the
corporate network.

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Which of the following types of firewalls would BEST protect a network from an Internet attack? ..

Answer / antoine

A. Screened subnet firewall

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