What do you mean by stack program?
Get me an example stack program?

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What do you mean by stack program? Get me an example stack program?..

Answer / harshita gangwar

stack is a linear kind of data structure .it works on "LIFO"
,LIFO stands for last in first out. in stack we perform two
operations i.e. insertion & deletion & these operations
performs only at one end i.e called "TOP".
for eg: a stack of books..etc
there are two operations performs-
(1) push (2) pop
there are also two conditions occures in case of stack i.e.
i.e. (i)underflow (ii)overflow
PUSH( stack[],TOP,item, len)
1) set TOP=-1
2) if TOP==len-1, then
print stack is overflow.
3) else
set TOP=TOP+1
set stack[TOP]=item
4) EXIT.
In the PUSH operation the overflow condition generates.
1) set TOP=len-1
2) if TOP==-1, then
print stack is underflow.
3) else
set item=stack[TOP]
set TOP=TOP-1
4) EXIT.
In the POP operation the underflow condition generates.
(I)a stack of disks.
(II)a common model of a stack is plates in a party
where fresh plates are "PUSHED"(inserting) on to the TOP &
"POPED"(deleting) from the TOP.

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What do you mean by stack program? Get me an example stack program?..

Answer / manoj singh

stac program is called whose as provide the lifo mens last input first output .when we putdown the value in node thats called pop and flow out the value thats called push.

char stack[10]
int top=-1;
void push(char d)
printf("stack is full");
char pop()
//stack is create both performance pop and push.

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What do you mean by stack program? Get me an example stack program?..

Answer / puneettan

A Stack can be imagined as dinner plates put one over the
'Push' means-- Inserting a new value(like putting a new
dinner plate on the top of the stack)
'Pop' means-- Removing(deleting) a value from the stack(just
like we remove a plate from the top of the stack)

A Stack follows L.I.F.O(Last In First Out).. This means, the
value which was last inserted into a stack would be the
first one to be removed. In the analogous case of dinner
plates, imagine that the plate kept last, on the top of
other plates will have to be removed first. you cannot
remove a plate at the bottom directly.

<--Program, same as given in 1st answer-->
//declaring the variables
char stack[10]
int top=-1;

//making a function for 'Push' mechanism
void push(char d)
printf("stack is full");

//making a function for 'Pop' mechanism
char pop()

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What do you mean by stack program? Get me an example stack program?..

Answer / abcdkr

Manoj Singh
I am very sorry to say that I didn't understand the program.
I am just in eleventh standard.
please help me out line by line.
Thank YOu!

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