Audit Interview Questions
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what is Voucing?


2 5637

Whether the term loan which was long term as on Mar-11, but now it is short term due to its repayment within one year from the reporting period. Whether it should be classified as short term borrowings or other current liabilities as per Revised schedule VI.

2 4186

What is difference between management audit and internal audit?

3 5648

how to calculate differ tax?

Maruti Suzuki,

3 7045

how many types of Balance sheets?

IOCL, Kalanikethan,

5 9056

what is the entry for accrual expense and accrual income. And how they are treated. Thanks.

Cap Gemini,

3 6683

what is the journal entry for this situation? and why? situation: Gratuity for this year TK1000000,which TK700000 shows in income statement and TK150000 will shown in next 2 year each.(this is a management decision)

1 3090

How to do ledger scrutiny of income items in a profit and loss account?

VWR International,

2 11092

I have had a Accounting experience more than 20 year in General Accounting, Traveling & Tourism, and Air lines. Can I change my Job from Accountant to Auditor- Please give me right advise.


3 4292

vat on liquor vat on food ? vat on bevrages ? vat on tobaco? vat on gold?


promotions of a new apointed auditor in cgda.


When does contruction company issues C Form to their supplier in case of CST Purchase.

4 4717

what is the difference you can make by doing your course in the country of your choice


what is the difference you can make by doing your course in the country of your choice


May deduct TDS Froma reseller ?

Jigar Corp,


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Un-Answered Questions { Audit }

How does the internal audit differ from an external audit?


What Is Social Audit?


what are the main tools of auditing?


central exices


what is the PRPOER way of accounting salaries ETF EPF


what is the reason for controls in an IS environment?


How I can evaluate the internal control audit?


What does an internal audit charter contain?


Explain the different advantages and disadvantages of internal audit?


what percent of wages calculate from sales of a firm (registered under manufacturing of machinery spares) sales (appr)- RS.10000000/-


Explain what are the different functions of internal audit?


Explain about cross functional audits?


Why there is no opening balance for Profit and Loss Account?Refer me Detailed explanation. Thank you.


When should a company sack its auditor?


What is the difference between internal audit and statutory audit?