Bio Chemistry Interview Questions
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Why does the pH of the blood decrease in a person who has digested trematol?


If you isolate mitochondria and place them in buffer with a low pH they begin to manufacture ATP. Why?


1 5957

Explain why in anaerobic cells the ratio of pyruvate/ lactate is much less than 1 while under aerobic conditions the ratio of pyruvate/ lactate is much greater than 1?

1 6267

Which cellular compartment becomes acidic during mitochondrial electron transport?

2 5514

what is the primary purpose of fermentation in the absence of oxygen?

1 5793

Name the terminal electron acceptor during mitochondrial respiration?

1 7091

During a heart attack, blood flowing to the heart muscle is interrupted by blockage of a coronary artery. How would you expect the metabolism in the heart to change?


Which vitamins participate, in coenzyme form, in reactions of the tricarboxylic acid cycle?


Reduction of which intermediate in glycolysis leads directly to a compound involved in the biosynthesis of fats?

1 2829

Which organ and subcellular site are most important for fatty acid biosynthesis?

1 2892

Which compound is involved in reducing levels of homocysteine in the blood?


When a forensics laboratory tests evidence collected at the scene of a crime using the "DNA Fingerprinting" technique, what are the technicians comparing?

Vimta Labs,

1 3017

What is the difference between and aldose and a ketose? Give an example of each?

2 15290

What are carbohydrates used for in living systems?

3 9152

what is a Reducing sugar?

3 4845

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Un-Answered Questions { Bio Chemistry }

What is hoffman degradation method?


What is the relation between reaction taking place in one of the several stages and the total amount of energy liberated in the reaction?


What is the quaternary structure of a protein?


In which oxidation state chromium exhibit different color?


What is the primary structure of a protein? What is the importance of the primary structure?


In which forms arsenic impurities present in drug.


How can denaturizing be classified regarding its reversibility?


How much empty space is found in globular proteins?


Explain which type of chemical bond maintains the pairing of each chain in the dna molecule?


Do enzymes act better under acid or basic ph?


What can be the causes of fatty liver?


Is there any situation in which dna is made based on a rna template? What is the enzyme involved?


What are enzymes? What is the importance of enzymes for the living beings?


Explain what is the primary structure of a protein? What is the importance of the primary structure?


Why the transition metal ions or compounds exhibit color?