Computer Security Interview Questions
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 What is your opinion on hacktivist groups such as Anonymous?

1 2702

What is the Three-way handshake? How can it be used to create a DOS attack?

1 5404

Why would you bring in an outside contractor to perform a penetration test?

1 3452

If you were going to break into a database-based website, how would you do it?

1 5233

Why are internal threats oftentimes more successful than external threats?

1 4303

What is residual risk?

1 1776

 Why is deleted data not truly gone when you delete it?

1 2861

 What is the Chain of Custody?

1 2176

How would you permanently remove the threat of data falling into the wrong hands?

1 4325

 What is Exfiltration?


I run an SMB. I have 4 people in my entire company and a web-based store. I don’t have the time, patience or manpower to have a computer guy. Why should I care about exploits and computer jibberish?


I’m the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. I make more in an afternoon than you make in a year. I don’t care about this stupid security stuff, it just costs time and money and slows everything down. Why should I care about this junk?


How many security protocols available?

1 2567

What is dora process in DHCP and how it works?


1. Assume that passwords are selected from four-character combination of 26 alphabetic characters. Assume that an adversary is able to attempt passwords at a rate of one per second. a. Assuming no feedback to the adversary until each attempt has been completed, what is the expected time to recover the correct password? b. Assuming feedback to the adversary flagging an error as each incorrect character is entered, what is the expected time to discover the correct password?


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Un-Answered Questions { Computer Security }

What are accessories in computer?


What is data source in computer?


What is meant by computer application?


What is the difference between a virus and a trojan?


What is a driver in computer?


What is database in a computer?


Does indexing slow down computer?


1. Assume that passwords are selected from four-character combination of 26 alphabetic characters. Assume that an adversary is able to attempt passwords at a rate of one per second. a. Assuming no feedback to the adversary until each attempt has been completed, what is the expected time to recover the correct password? b. Assuming feedback to the adversary flagging an error as each incorrect character is entered, what is the expected time to discover the correct password?


What is dora process in DHCP and how it works?


What are the most common computer applications?


A phonetic password generator picks two segments randomly for each six-letter password. The form of each segment is CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant), where V= < a, e, i, o, u > and C = (V.) ̅ What is the total password population? What is the probability of an adversary guessing a password correctly?


 What is Exfiltration?


Is a console a computer?


I’m the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. I make more in an afternoon than you make in a year. I don’t care about this stupid security stuff, it just costs time and money and slows everything down. Why should I care about this junk?


What is a spooler on a computer?