Micro Biology Interview Questions
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Amebas are classified into two sub-classes, what are they?

1 3648

You suspect microscopic grains on a slide that you exposed to the outside air to be pollen. To test this, you place a drop of a sugar solution on the slide with the grains. If this is pollen, what will happen?


What was the first virus ever discovered?

1 3151

What is the reproductive cycle of a phage virus called in which the virus's DNA is combined with the host cell's DNA to form a prophage?

1 3028

Which enzyme are retroviruses equiped with that allows them to transcribe DNA from an RNA template?

1 3048

What are the tiny molecules of naked circular RNA that infect plants called?

1 8097

What is the direct transfer of genetic material between two bacterial cells that are temporarily joined?

1 4968

What color is the microfungi penicillium?

4 5416

The blooms of these protists gives water a watermelon-like taste. What is this microlife called?


Tardigrades are also known by what other name?

1 3212

What is Coccidioidomycosis ?

1 3421

What are the enzymes produced by streptococci?


What is ASO test?

3 17561

Name two special stains used for Corynebacterium diphtheriae?

2 13262

What is Elek?s test ?

3 5667

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Un-Answered Questions { Micro Biology }

Which part of the bacteria actually gets stained?


Explain the growth curve of S. pneumo ?


What is beaded appearance of mycobacteria?


How to preserve filamentous fungi in distilled water ?


For which nematode problem would you suggest use of a genetically resistant cultivar and why?


What is the importance of Rhodococcus sp ?


How to interpret the smear?


Explain why the three-domain system was devised and identify the domains to which microorganisms belong?


What do popular brands of antiseptics such as dettol or savlon contain?


Give MIC interpretive standards for streptomycin susceptibility ?


Explain about b-D-glucosidase?


In 1884, the danish microbiologist hans christian gram invented the gram stain, which delineates the difference between what two general types of bacteria?


What are the constitutions of the cell wall of chlorella pyrenoidosa ?


What are the enzymes produced by streptococci?


Tell something about Blue colored fungi?